null ISH 2025
Clivet at ISH 2025: Welcome Out, open the door to a natural climate. Innovation and digitisation
At Stand B70 Hall 12.1 Clivet, will present state-of-the-art technological solutions, natural and environmentally friendly refrigerants, interactive simulators for all users and a configurator for professionals visiting ISH 2025. All solutions are designed to offer comfort and well-being in harmony with the environment.
At ISH 2025, Clivet invites you to experience a world where natural comfort allows you to forget about air conditioning while respecting nature. A comfortable world is a free world, where each person can express themselves at their best, feel good and flourish.
A large inverted C letter characterises the booth (B70 Hall 12.1), representing a symbolic portal leading to discover the latest technological innovations for a natural and sustainable climate: heating, air conditioning, air quality, integrated comfort and energy management.
Clivet's novelties are the result of a constant commitment to innovation and quality, with the introduction of cutting-EDGE solutions designed to meet the needs of a constantly evolving market.
Many are the previews of solutions proposed by Clivet at ISH 2025:
● SPINCHILLER PRO, the R-290 air-to-water reversible multiscroll heat pump from 210 to 630 kW ideal for very cold climates (down to -20 °C);
● EDGE PRO and BIG EDGE PRO the versatile, compact and silent air-to-water R-290 inverter packaged heat pumps for residential and commercial applications;
● FULLNESS, the new All-in-One heat pump without outdoor unit that combines heating, air conditioning, air renewal and domestic hot water production in a single solution;
● AQUA PRO: the R-290 heat pump for DHW in A+ class
● CVT8-Y outdoor units from 8 to 16 HP, and Mini VRF MSAN8-Y, both with R-32 refrigerant with low environmental impact, ensuring high efficiency, wide range of application, high reliability, better comfort and respect for the environment;
R-290: sustainability is the real priority
The constant commitment to reducing environmental impact continues in the design of air-conditioning solutions with a full life-cycle view. With this in mind, Clivet is exhibiting the new series of heat pumps with natural refrigerant R-290 already introduced to the market:
● THUNDER: reversible air-water heat pump from 40 to 85 kW, with inverter scroll compressors for multi-family and commercial applications, modular type with the widest application range ever;
● CERVINO: the new air-to-air SINGLE Split system with wall-mounted indoor units for residential applications;
Renewed and purified air, not only at home
Clivet has developed a complete range of systems for air quality, a fundamental element for people's health and well-being, at the forefront at ISH 2025:
● the recent FRESH LARGE EVO, the air renewal and purification unit with full inverter technology, thermodynamic recovery and electronic filtration for light commercial applications (such as schools, offices, small retail stores, restaurants, banks, car dealerships) that simplifies the air conditioning system, increasing its energy efficiency
● ELFOFRESH EVO for residential sector
Digital solutions for the residential and commercial sectors
For the residential sector, Clivet Smart Living has been developed, the modular and composable comfort and energy management system, which allows the various units to be purchased separately and integrated over time, according to the needs of the home: heat pump, air renewal and purification system, controls, room terminals, SINERGY energy storage, remote management via the renewed Clivet EYE app.
For the management of medium and large sized systems, both in the residential and commercial sectors, as well as in industrial processes, Clivet Smart Building has been developed with INTELLIPLANT dedicated to the efficient management of centralised hydronic systems (heat pumps, chillers, multifunctional and pumping units) and INTELLIAIR for the centralised management of Roof-Top autonomous air conditioning units and ZEPHIR primary air in commercial applications (such as shopping centres, multiplex cinemas).
A complete range of heat pumps
In response to the needs of every home, Clivet offers a complete range of heat pumps including: Refrigerant-Split, Hydro-Split and Monobloc heat pumps.
At ISH Clivet introduces the new Hydro-Split heat pumps consisting of outdoor and indoor units hydraulically connected to each other, with various indoor unit models to suit different spaces:
● tower with integrated storage
● built-in,
● wall-mounted with dimensions similar to a boiler
● wall-mounted with small integrated storage
With the new hydronic split heat pumps of the Clivet Smart Living system, the system is tidy, easy and quick to install, even for professionals without an F-Gas licence.
Interactivity for professionals and visitors
At ISH Clivet also offers interactive tools to improve the visitor experience. Professionals can access a configurator that allows them to customise the system best suited to the specific needs of their homes, choosing the various elements of the system and configuring independently or with the support of a Clivet expert the most suitable system for the home they are designing, also in relation to the building's energy class, climate band, number of occupants, etc.
End users, on the other hand, have at their disposal a simulator to visualise the consumption of the Clivet Smart Living system in different weather conditions and test how much the system's logic contributes to optimising consumption to increase energy independence.
A flower symbolizing well-being
Comfort for Clivet is synonymous with freedom and well-being. For this reason, in 2025, the company started a collaboration with C'è Da Fare ETS, a non-profit association founded by Paolo Kessisoglu and Silvia Rocchi committed to psychotherapeutic support projects for young people in a state of acute psychological and psychiatric fragility, with the aim of bringing them back to life and making them ‘blossom again’.
Clivet has therefore chosen the symbol of a flower that blooms as visitors pass by the stand at the fair. The activity will focus on supporting mental health projects of the association C'è Da Fare, promoted on the Italian territory where the company has its production plants.
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